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MOTIVE Project Consortium to Meet

Tue, 02 November, 2021

The project consortium for the MOTIVE Project are due to meet on 16 November to discuss the project’s progression as it draws towards its conclusion early in 2022.

Representatives from TWI, Scitek, Ventil and ESI will be joined by topic manager, Liebherr at the meeting.

MOTIVE is a 48-month project funded by Horizon 2020 to improve aero-engine bleed air systems, which control factors including cabin air conditioning, engine start, and wing and engine ice removal.

These systems operate in close proximity to the aircraft engine, creating an aggressive service environment with high pressures and temperatures as well as a non-homogenous air flow that all have an impact on performance.

Data has shown that the bleed systems accounted for nearly 7% of schedule interruptions for Boeing 747-400 and 767 aeroplanes. Optimising the design of the systems, with a focus on the pneumatic valves and their associated actuation mechanisms is critical to keep such costly unscheduled delays to a minimum. Predicting the performance of these valves during design will help reduce these costs.

To achieve this, MOTIVE is developing a predictive multi-physics model based on targeted experimental bench tests.

We will bring you more details regarding the progress of the MOTIVE project as it draws towards a conclusion.


The MOTIVE project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 785530